Gabrielle Cook


Gabrielle Cook

Wolf Alice

This is Gabrielle’s first appearance at the New Vic.

Theatre credits include: La VII Nit del Circ (Teatro Principal, Valencia); Verde Casi Negro (Teatro Rialto, Valencia); LLUM (Espai Inestable, Valencia); Girl with a Curl (The Lowry, Circarte and El TEM); Castaway (Regional outdoor tour); Combinat58 (Ateneu Popular Nou Barris, Barcelona); Snowed In (The Place, London); Friday Lates (V&A Museum, London); Little Top (International theatre tour); HOME (Brighton Dome and Newport Riverfront); Roda Doras / Becky Namgauds (East Wall Festival, London); Frantic (International outdoor tour); Elite Commission James Wilton Dance (Wembley and Cardiff Millenium Stadium).

Film credits include: co-producer / director, alongside Barney White, and lead role in These Things Aren’t Mine (premiere; Bristol Circus City 2023).

Gabbie trained at The Northern School of Contemporary Dance (2011-2014), and at CREAT CIRC (2020-2021).