I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire! I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire! image by Andrew Billington

Why support the New Vic?

The Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire Theatre Trust is a registered charity (registered number 253242) and company limited by guarantee (registered number 911924).

A Board of Trustees oversee the management of the New Vic Theatre and our core activities: theatre making; education; and community work. They give their time voluntarily and any annual financial surplus is reinvested in our work.

We earn 46% of our income through our box office, restaurant, bar and shop, as well as generating revenue from some of our education and community programmes.

We receive financial investment from Arts Council England, Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council. The rest of our funding comes from sponsorship, grants and donations.

Being part-subsidised by public funding, we have a responsibility to ensure we are a resilient organisation, give value for money and provide services relevant to the community.

We need to raise additional funds so we can continue to deliver high quality theatre for the benefit of our artists and audiences, as well essential community and education programmes for local people.

We are an Arts Council England National Portfolio organisation, helping to deliver great art to everyone.

We have won a British Community Safety Award, Global Ethics Impetus Award, Clarion Award and a UK Skills for Care Award for our work with local people. And have Theatrical Management Association awards for Most Welcoming Theatre and Best Lighting Design (The Wicked Lady), a UK Theatre Award for Best New Play (An August Bank Holiday Lark), and nominations for Best Shows for Children and Young People (Alice in Wonderland, Around the World in Eighty Days).

Please contact our Fundraising team for more information:

tel: 01782 717 954