

Current Exhibition:

My Art encourages exploration, experimentation and learning. I love the options of endless processes in which to develop my ideas both in painting and textiles. I have an eclectic nature and store numerous items for future projects – like little vintage treasures & artifacts. Sometimes a project can emerge from a form, a thought or a fleeting inspiration. The fun is I never know what challenges I will set myself next. Once I am past go, the whole process transports me to a place I love to be. The creative opportunities are endless, and my journey continues.

I do hope that you have as much enjoyment exploring this exhibition as I have in the making of these pieces.

I am currently working on a ‘Grand Day Out’ for Uttoxeter Quilt and Stitch Show 25-27th April 2025. My piece is 3D and involves seagulls and chips!

Commissions welcome.

Instagram: @angelajamesart

Email: jamesangelauk@yahoo.co.uk

To find out how to exhibit your work, please contact our Front-of-House Department.

Tel: 01782 717954 ext 311

Email: frontofhouse@newvictheatre.org.uk