New Vic Educations heads to Live Age Festival

New Vic Educations heads to Live Age Festival

2nd September 2016

New Vic Education is getting set to perform at Live Age, a festival celebrating creativity in later life.

Live Age, which is supported by Keele University, will celebrate the artistic and creative works of older people in a series of workshops, activities and exhibitions at venues across Stoke-on-Trent from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October.

Acting as a partner of the festival, New Vic Education will be taking its Ages and Stages company to the event to perform a new piece of theatre.

Jill Rezzano, Head of New Vic Education “This year we are going to be creating a thought-provoking piece as part of the symposium to engage the audience in discussions about arts and culture.

“This festival is not only work for older people, it is work by older people and showcases creativity at every stage of life. We are delighted to be involved again.”

Highlights of the festival include a chance to see renowned poet and broadcaster Roger McGough and opportunities to try out some new activities from singing to circus skills.

Further information on the programme of events can be found by clicking here…

Article by Becky Loton

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