
Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week: Q&A with Marvellous actor Daniel Murphy

This week we are shining a spotlight on one of our Marvellous company members, Daniel Murphy as we celebrate Down’s Syndrome Awareness…

How we’ve transformed the magical Coppelia – A Mystery for summer

Our backstage team have spent the past few weeks transforming the grounds of the New Vic into a spellbinding summery wonderland ready…

Marking the centenary of theatre-in-the-round pioneer Stephen Joseph’s birth

This Sunday (13 June 2021) marks the centenary of theatre-in-the-round pioneer, director, actor, designer, lecturer, writer, and originator of The Victoria Theatre…

How we’re creating exciting new participatory spaces outdoors

This week we started creating a welcoming outdoor space to enable us to deliver open air, in-person sessions with our regular participants.…

Lockdown diary – Week 15: launching Kiln Associates, Arts Award success, and The Fron Choir reach number one

With spring in the air, we hope that we can now look forward to the moment when we can welcome you back…

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