No Strapline

High Flyers

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Dream Big. Work Hard. Stand Proud…. Fly High

What does it mean to be a ‘high flyer’ today? Can everyone truly be successful? At what cost is success achieved? And what does the world look like for those who fear they may be left behind?

Developed, performed and with a script written by a cast of local young people, this production explores what impact younger, growing voices have on the world and questions who, if anyone, is really listening?

High Flyers is a brand new musical exposing the highs (and lows) of growing up in the modern age.


Pay What You Decide

Supported by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, young people from Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent were invited to come along and work with our award-winning Borderlines department to create a brand new musical. Over the past year, participants aged between 10 – 25 have been working together to create High Flyers – a musical about the highs (and lows) of growing up in the modern age and this is the premiere performance of their work.

We’re inviting you to come along and support our young people, many of who have never been involved in theatre before – but you get to decide how much you pay!

This is a great opportunity to enjoy a new piece of work, created by members of your local community and support them as they take to a stage for the first time – and your ticket price is completely decided by you! All we ask, is that you book a ticket in advance.

We hope you’ll come along and join in the celebration of the culmination of this project!


Tuesday 16 July 2019

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