No Strapline

FREE virtual masterclasses with New Vic professionals!

Tuesday 26 January–Thursday 11 February 2021

Our Education team are inviting local young people to learn a range of creative skills by hosting free online masterclasses, led by New Vic professionals, on a range of exciting topics including practical sound design, 3D printing, animation, being a Deputy Stage Manager, making puppets, designing for theatre, stage lighting, and special effects make-up.

The sessions will be suitable for a wide variety of ages (up to age 19) depending on the topic.

To book: email


Tue 26 Jan

4.30 – 5.30 – Practical Sound Design (Part 1 of 2 – see below for part 2)

Age: 14+

Alex is a Sound Designer, Engineer and Composer for Theatre, Live and Media. He will discuss the role and working practises of a Sound Designer in the 21st century as well as working within a Sound Department and being part of the creative team. There will also be a practical project where you get to design your own post-production soundtrack to a piece of video.

Requirements: Internet connection. Mac/PC and ability to download free software – Reaper/Garageband*. Mobile phone/other recording device.

*Please ask permission if you are under 16 or using someone else’s computer.

Don’t worry if you don’t have these you can still come along and enjoy.

Alex Day – Alex is Sound & Lighting Technician at the New Vic.


Wed 27 Jan

3.30 – 4.00 – Boogie Beats     

Ages 4-7 & families

Join us to make your own simple musical instrument, be a part of our band and then dance along to some of our favourite songs. It’s time to jump up and down, get moving and have a boogie.

Becky Salt – Becky is resident Theatre Education Practitioner at the New Vic.


4.30 – 5.30 – Design for Zoom    

Ages 10+

“As Resident Designer at the New Vic, my normal job is to design Sets and Costumes for our productions.

As we are all spending so much time in Zoom calls and Teams meetings the world we are seen to inhabit appears to be a small rectangle.

I have been thinking of this as a snippet of our personality.

I cannot resist looking keenly over peoples’ shoulders to get a taste of their surroundings.

In the session we will explore how we see each other.

How we would like to be seen.

Have some fun presenting ourselves and our surroundings in different ways, using both practical and digital means.”

Lis Evans – Lis is Head of Design at the New Vic.


Thu 28 Jan

4.30 – 5.30 – Introduction to 3D Printing

Age 13+ with computer

One of the parts of Daniella’s job is to put the electronics and wiring into any practical items that we use for theatre productions. This may be something as simple as a lamp switching on and off to head sets for fairies that can be controlled automatically.

3d printing has become a very useful tool. If you have not seen one it is a machine that melts plastic to any shape we can design. If you would like to learn some more about the use of the 3d printer we have a session to get you started.

Requirements: If you want to participate during the session you will need to download and install a free programme caller Blender* (a 3d creation suite). You can still come along to learn how to use it without installing it first.

Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports modelling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, video editing and 2D animation pipeline.

Go to and download Blender 2.91.0 (for which ever platform you work on Windows, Mac, Linux).

Also accompanying this introduction is a File called New Vic 3d print, download this on your computer and have them open and ready to go when we start the session.

Not all computers will be able to use the software, but if you can’t you can still come along, and learn about how to use it.

*Please ask permission if you are under 16 or using someone else’s computer.

Daniella Beattie – Daniella is Resident Lighting Designer and Chief Electrician at the New Vic.


Mon 1 Feb

5.30 – 6.15  Practical Sound Design (Part 2 of 2)   

Age: 14+

A chance to play and listen to your own post-production soundtrack to a piece of video. Discuss the challenges of making them and further tips to develop and improve.

Alex Day – Alex is Sound & Lighting Technician at the New Vic.


Tue 2  Feb

4.30 – 5.30 – Introduction to 3D modelling and animating!              

Age 14+

“Heard about 3D printing? Seen digital 3D models? Enjoyed animated films? Played games with 3D characters and worlds? In this class I’ll give a brief introduction to Blender, the basics of modelling in 3D, how animation is made in 3D, and more importantly, where you can learn more (for free) about this if it’s something that excites or interests you”.

Pete Morgan – Pete is Deputy Chief Electrician the New Vic.


Wed 3 Feb

5.30 – 6.15 – What is a DSM?    

Age 13+

Meet resident Deputy Stage Manager, Kate Wilcock, as she talks you through her experiences as a DSM. From page to stage, Kate will talk you through the role of the DSM, how she got into theatre and even how to cue a show (shh, it’s top secret!)

Kate Wilcock – Kate is resident Deputy Stage Manager at the New Vic.


Thu 4 Feb

4.30 – 5.30 – Introduction to Making Puppets       

Ages 10+

An introduction to puppetry where you will learn how to create your own bird puppet at home with everyday household and recycled materials.

Inspired by the puppets created by our New Vic workshop team, we will take a closer look at some of the puppets from past Christmas productions such as, The Snow Queen, Robin Hood & Marian and Treasure Island.

Requirements: Paper – a selection or old newspaper will be fine, Card or cardboard (which can even be from loo rolls), Masking tape, String or strong thread

Don’t worry if you don’t have all of these you can still come along and enjoy.

Melissa McCann – Melissa is a Props and Settings Maker at the New Vic.


Tue 9  Feb

3.30 – 4.00 –  Teddy Tales       

Ages 4 – 7 & families

Find your favourite cuddly toy, pack your bags and see where our imagination will take us.

Becky Salt – Becky is resident Theatre Education Practitioner at the New Vic.


Tue 9 Feb

4.30 – 5.30 – Design for Theatre     

Age 13+

Lis has designed over 100 shows for the New Vic.  She designs Sets and Costumes for our productions. She will explain the process from reading a script through to the opening night, via research, drawing, rehearsals and costume fittings, and explain how the role of designer fits into the production process. Lis will show examples of sketchbook ideas, costume and technical drawing and photographs of shows. There will be opportunities to discuss ideas and ask questions.

Lis Evans – Lis is Head of Design at the New Vic.


Wed 10 Feb

5.30 – 6.15    Introduction to Lighting      

Age 10+

One of the main parts of Daniella’s job is to light the productions on stage.

What does that mean? We will be discovering how important switching the lights on can be.

Requirements (optional):

A teddy or cuddly toy that can sit or stand on its own.

A torch or small desk lamp (or both).

Some coloured cellophane sweetie wrappers  (like Quality Street).

A comb.

A fork.

Don’t worry if you don’t have all of these you can still come along and enjoy.

Daniella Beattie – Daniella is Resident Lighting Designer and Chief Electrician at the New Vic.


Thu 11 Feb – (FULL)

4.30 – 5.30 – Creating Special Effects with Makeup 

Ages 10+

This workshop is showing the skills on special effects makeup that can be used on Halloween or for stage. Here you will learn the basic skills for scabs/burned skin, blood application, and stitches. Photos of examples made by Kayleigh will be shown in the workshop.

Age range 10 + due to the nature and the use of blood, and parent supervised. Some may find this triggering.

Required: Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, Table covering,

Crushed cereal, Baby powder, Black cotton, Scissors, Tweezers, Vaseline
Cotton buds, Tissue, Face paint brushes or old makeup brushes (the blood can get sticky)
Hair dryer, Liquid Foundation
Purple, brown, red, brown makeup and/or face paint
Water for face paint
Makeup puff/sponge
Big fluffy makeup brush (brush away baby powder)
Old toothbrush – texture applicator

Kayleigh Cooper – Kayleigh is Assistant Stage Manager at the New Vic. She has studied, qualified and is certified by a course at ‘The Institute of Makeup Artistry.’

Tuesday 26 January–Thursday 11 February 2021

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