No Strapline

My Thousand Year Old Land (A Song for BiH)

Monday 11 July–Tuesday 12 July 2022

Written by Aida Haughton MBE and Sue Moffat based on survivor testimonies from the genocide and war crimes that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and traditional folk songs and poetry

A story of the search for truth, justice and hope through three generations of women.

What does it mean to have roots, to feel the connection of the land, mountains, rivers, trees; where deep song, music and poetry beats as your heart and the blood in your veins flows like a timeless river through a land for centuries?

And then, hate spills into the soil, the trees, the rivers. What new songs can be sung and verses made?

Before reconciliation comes acknowledgment, before hope, truth.

‘And the questioned gave then a prompt reply;
Bosnia – forgive me – there is a land,
Both barren And barefoot – forgive me –
Both cold and hungry –
but more than that – Forgive me –
Defiant – through A dream’
Mak Dizdar


£10.00 (Concessions £6.00)


Main image by Almin Zrno

Monday 11 July–Tuesday 12 July 2022