The Throne is a warm-hearted comedy from one of the youngest brightest young writers. An eccentric group of Staffordshire characters meet in the ‘local’in a tale of lavs, life and learning to love.
Cliff has spent the last 25 years making toilets at Armitage Shanks. Same job, same factory, same life. He’s happy enough. But, when his childhood sweetheart comes back to the village after years down south, he starts to think he should have made a bit more of himself.
Then smooth-talking Gordon makes his move, and Cliff’s got to make up his mind. Is he going to put up a fight for the woman he loves? Can he finally learn to like himself? Or is he going to let his whole future get flushed down the drain?
In Larksong, a powerful tale of friendship and fate, a gang of youngsters risk the deadly anger of a King. A new play from the winner of the 2014 Perfect Pitch Award.
Mouse and his friends live in the times after the Romans, sheltering amongst the skeletons of a fallen empire. They’re not heroes or kings or warriors, just ordinary folk. No one will ever want to sing songs of them.
But, when they stumble upon a band of sleeping soldiers, each carrying weapons more magnificent than anything they could have imagined, their futures suddenly look very different. Perhaps they will find themselves in a great story after all.