Become a Patron
Patrons are the lifeblood of the New Vic, essential to the ecology of the theatre – please join us now
It is no overstatement to say that patrons’ regular contributions to the theatre are more important than they have ever been.
In order for the New Vic to come back stronger, we need to grow the number of New Vic Patrons who regularly support the theatre. Become a patron and help us with monthly or annual donations, through Direct Debits that fund our creative work, as well as community and education projects. There has never been a better or more important time to join us.
Be a part of our future…now is the time to join us.
Choose your monthly or annual donation from the options below. Or, you can give any amount you wish by paying by Direct Debit – simply call our Box Office on 01782 717962 or sign up here

Patron Level
Donate Monthly
Your donation will be renewed automatically. If you wish to cancel at any point, this can easily be done through your account page.
New Vic Patron
Monthly Pass - £6.00 p/m
For a donation of £6.00 per month we will credit you as a New Vic Patron.
This donation could be used to help maintain the New Vic’s auditorium.
Patrons' Circle
Monthly Pass - £12.00 p/m
For donations of £12.00 per month we will credit you as Patrons’ Circle.
Your monthly donation could help towards the cost of touring a play tackling domestic violence to youth and community groups.
Centre Stage Patrons
Monthly Pass - £19.86 p/m
Donations of £19.86 a month we will credit you as a Centre Stage Patron.
A generous donation per month could cover the cost of an educational practitioner to lead drama sessions in local schools.
Donate Annually
Your donation will be renewed automatically. If you wish to cancel at any point, this can easily be done through your account page.
New Vic Patron
Annual Pass - £72.00 p/a
For a donation of £72.00 per year we will credit you as a New Vic Patron.
This donation could be used to help maintain the New Vic’s auditorium.
Patrons' Circle
Annual Pass - £144.00 p/a
For donations of £144.00 a year we will credit you as Patrons’ Circle.
Your monthly donation could help towards the cost of touring a play tackling domestic violence to youth and community groups.
Centre Stage Patrons
Annual Pass - £238.32 p/a
Donations of £238.32 a year we will credit you as a Centre Stage Patron.
A generous donation per month could cover the cost of an educational practitioner to lead drama sessions in local schools.