Supporter Promise
New Vic – Our promise to you
When you make a donation to New Vic Theatre, we promise:
- to spend your donation wisely and efficiently
- to respect your wishes if you’ve told us how you want us to spend your gift
- never to sell your personal details (see Privacy policy)
- not to share personal details with anyone else, unless you have given explicit consent to do so (see Privacy policy)
- to always keep your financial information secure
- to make sure our policies and practices comply fully with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (EU), Fundraising Regulator Code of Fundraising Practice and all other relevant laws and guidelines
When we communicate with you, we promise:
- to tell you how we’re spending your money
- not to send irrelevant communications to you
- to listen to you and only contact you in the way you want
- never to contact you if you’ve asked us not to
- to be especially careful and sensitive when we’re communicating with vulnerable people (see Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult policy)
When we’re fundraising, we promise:
- to make sure the stories and illustrations we use accurately represent the work we do
- to protect the welfare and identity of every beneficiary we involve in our fundraising and to always get informed consent before we tell someone’s story or use their photograph
- to make sure that the amount we spend on fundraising pays for itself many times over, so we’ll raise more money to spend on the creative work of the theatre and the education and outreach work
- neverto call you unless you’ve given explicit consent for us to do so (see Privacy policy)
- if any external company, charity or organisation helps us with our fundraising, to make sure it always adheres to our high ethical standards
- to closely monitor the work of third party suppliers and ensure they meet our high standards of donor care
If you ever make a complaint, we promise:
- to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
- to respond fully within 10 working days – making contact in the way you asked
- to make sure our team are here to take your calls between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday